How Does Hearing Loss Affect Learning in Young People?
More and more students with disabilities such as hearing loss are spending time in general classrooms at school. The number has increased from 59% in 2009 to 65% in 2019. Considering that hearing loss can affect a child’s ability to learn and impact their school performance it’s important to be aware of the specific challenges…
Tips on How to Nip Your Spring Allergies in the Bud

The days are longer. The air is getting warmer. Your eyes are watering and you’re completely congested. Spring is definitely here! You do not have to suffer needlessly through seasonal allergies, though. There are several treatment and prevention options that can help you enjoy the beauty of the Huntsville Botanical Garden without constantly needing to…
Can Immunotherapy Help Reduce Dust Mite Allergies?
Dust mites are microscopic arachnids that feed on dead skin cells, animal dander and other particles that are found in dust. No matter how clean your home is, you’ll have dust mites. Many people are allergic to the enzymes in dust mites’ waste and decaying bodies. Fortunately, sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT), more commonly known as allergy…
How to be an Ally to People with Hearing Loss
Like many conditions, hearing loss exists on a spectrum. Some have severe or complete hearing loss that doesn’t respond to treatment. Others have much milder to moderate cases that may often go unnoticed by those around them. Regardless of severity, it’s important to support people with hearing loss. Let’s examine a few of the best…
An Audiologist Visit Can Encourage Hearing Aid Usage
According to a study by the University of Manchester, 20% of people who own hearing aids do not actually wear them. This is alarming, as untreated hearing loss has been linked to an increased risk of social isolation, loneliness, anxiety, depression and even dementia. Below we review how a visit to your audiologist’s office can…
What is an Acoustic Neuroma?
An acoustic neuroma is a rare, noncancerous tumor that develops on the vestibulocochlear nerve and can affect hearing and balance. It is possible to have an acoustic neuroma without experiencing any symptoms. However, others can experience disorienting and debilitating effects that require treatment. Quick Facts About Acoustic Neuromas Also referred to as vestibular schwannomas They…
ADHD & Hearing Loss in Children: What’s the Connection
If your child is having difficulty in school – whether academically or socially – you may want to get them screened for both attention-deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) and hearing loss. The reason for this is because the symptoms of both conditions overlap, and it’s common for one to be mistaken for the other. We review…
What Should You Have in Your Hearing Aid Maintenance Kit?
Regularly cleaning your hearing aids is one of the best ways to avoid repairs and keep your device functioning at a high level. It can also help keep your ears healthy and reduce the risk of developing infections from bacteria and other debris that can build up on your device. Clean Your Hearing Aids to…
Winter Weather Hearing Aid Care
Winter months can be tough on our fingers, toes, psychological wellbeing and even our hearing aids. Unfortunately, many people do not know that their hearing aids require some extra care during the winter months. We review everything you need to know about winter weather hearing aid care in this article. What You Should Do Below…
Sinus Issues: Allergies or a Sinus Infection?
If you’re experiencing nasal congestion, you may be wondering whether the symptom is caused by allergies or a sinus infection. Knowing which you have is key to seeking proper care. Below we review the differences in causes, symptoms and treatments for allergies and sinus infections. Causes Allergies are the immune system’s response to a foreign…