Winter Weather Hearing Aid Care
Winter months can be tough on our fingers, toes, psychological wellbeing and even our hearing aids. Unfortunately, many people do not know that their hearing aids require some extra care during the winter months. We review everything you need to know about winter weather hearing aid care in this article. What You Should Do Below…
Hearing Aids Can Help Your Mental and Cognitive Health
When we think about prioritizing our health, we don’t just mean our physical health, anymore. Research has shown that taking care of our cognitive and mental health is just as important as taking care of our physical health. If you experience hearing loss, one important step you can take to protect your cognitive and mental…
Hearing Aid Fact and Fiction
While more than 48 million Americans experience hearing loss, only 20 of those who could benefit from a hearing aid actually use one. This may be because of the abundance of misinformation being passed around as fact. Below is a breakdown of hearing aid facts as well as those that are just plain fiction. Fiction:…
Now Is the Best Time to Get Hearing Aids
If you think you may have hearing loss and could benefit from hearing aids, now is the time to do something about it. Hearing loss is a progressive condition, developing slowly over time. Chances are, you are not even aware of most of the sounds you have stopped hearing over the last few years. Hearing…
What Happens if You Lose Your Hearing Aid?
On my way out of the house this morning, I could not find my keys. I put them in the same dish on the same table as soon as I come in the door every day but for some reason, last night was an exception. After searching for a while, I found them under a…